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All-Mode Voice Knowledgebase
AMC Voice (1.0)

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Call Forwarding and Failover

All-Mode voice supports call forwarding / failover in two basic modes.

1. Analog Call Forwarding (*72 / *73)

Like many analog trunk providers our analog lines support variable call forwarding via the 72 feature code. To enable call forwarding on a line you must be on-site and able to access the line, then go off-hook and enter *72 followed by your 10 digit destination phone number and finally a # . To disable call forwarding go off-hook on the line again and use the *73 feature code. Note that this type of call forwarding can only be supported on lines that are handed off from All-Mode equipment as analog lines.

2. SIP Call Forwarding / Failover

On all lines (regardless of how they are delivered) All-Mode can set a permanent call forward on a line to a destination of your choosing, or configure a failover on the line so that if your local equipment goes off-line for any reason calls with automatically forward to one or more numbers of your choosing.
This mode can be enabled in your web portal for a customer to manage for themselves if they want or need to change their failover destination on a regular basis.
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