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All-Mode Voice Knowledgebase
AMC Voice (2.0)

ConnectUC Web / Desktop

The ConnectUC client family (web, desktop and mobile) is the preferred method to interact with the phone system regardless of the device you are using.
The web version can be launched from your “Apps” drop down in the portal or launched directly by browsing to
The menu options on the left hand menu of the client vary depending on the services you have connected, but include at least your calls and contacts. This client is a “softphone”, that is it actually handles the audio rather than you needing a physical device when using it. When you make and take calls from the any of the ConnectUC clients you will use the audio from your computer of smartphone rather than a separate device.
Clicking on your icon in the top left menu drops down a control panel that allows you to quicky change your status, put yourself in Do Not Disturb, disable calls to the ConnectUC client, or change your preferences.
The preferences panel allows you to fully configure your profile, sound settings, video settings if applicable, program answering rules, manage blocked numbers, manage contacts, set up your personal music on hold, configure notifications, configure voicemail including recordings, and install the local ConnectUC desktop client and the click to call web dialer for the ConnectUC client.
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